Resource Spotlight: GAVI, the Global Fund and the World Bank Support for Human Resources for Health in Developing Countries

HRH-related activities
HRH-related activities

This paper provides a first step in a detailed comparative analysis of key development and financing agency work in the area of HRH. Specifically, it examines the HRH-related activities of GAVI, the Global Fund, and the World Bank. In 2010, the three agencies combined accounted for 20% of the total global development assistance for health and for 53% of all multilateral development assistance for health. These three agencies, together with WHO, are collaborating to harmonize health system strengthening actions and publicly make available data which allows detailed comparative analysis of country-level investments in health systems strengthening activities, including HRH. The analysis sheds lights on areas where closer agency coordination and alignment is needed.

This report reviews the type of HRH-related activities that are eligible for financing within GAVI, the Global Fund, and the World Bank; the HRH-related activities that each agency is actually financing; and the literature to understand the impact that each agency's investments in HRH have had on HRH in developing countries. [adapted from author]

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The HRH Global Resource Center has other resources on this topic including:

  • Efficiency and Effectiveness of Aid Flows Towards Health Workforce Development: Exploratory Study Based on Four Case Studies from Ethiopia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia and Mozambique
  • Zeroing In: AIDS Donors and Africa's Health Workforce
  • Health Workforce Responses to Global Health Initiatives Funding: a Comparison of Malawi and Zambia
  • For additional resources on this topic, visit the Financial Aspects subject category.

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