
Comprehensive Review of the Pharmacy Workforce

This is a comprehensive review of the Pharmacy Workforce in Northern Ireland undertaken between February and April 2001. It outlines themethodology and discusses the results obtained with regard to the areas of recruitment and retention, demand and models of deployment. [adapted from author]

Study of Demand and Supply of Pharmacists, 2000-2010

This study aims to project the supply and demand for pharmacists between 2000 and 2010. On the supply side, these include the latest information on student intake and projected graduations. On the demand side, they include a consideration of the impact of the Third Community Pharmacy Agreement, the increasing focus on safety and quality of medicines use across the continuum of care and a host of clinical governance and Commonwealth and State/Territory government policies which impact on the demand for pharmacists. [from summary]

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago: Caribbean Region HIV and AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2006

Focusing on the formal public health sector in Tobago, the HSPA findings provide information on both basic and advanced-level HIV and AIDS services and the availability of record-keeping systems for monitoring HIV and AIDS care and support. Within the Caribbean region, there is a concern for the recent training of health professionals who provide HIV and AIDS services, for health worker attitudes towards people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) and for patient movement within the region.

Barbados: Caribbean Region HIV and AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2005

The 2005 Barbados HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment (Barbados HSPA) survey report provides baseline information on the capacity of the formal public health sector in Barbados to provide both basic and advanced level HIV and AIDS services and the availability of recordkeeping systems for monitoring HIV and AIDS care and support. Within the Caribbean region, there is a concern for the recent training of health professionals who provide HIV and AIDS services, for health worker attitudes towards people living with HIV (PLHIV) and for patient movement within the region. The Barbados HSPA captured information on these region-specific indicators in addition to the standard HSPA indicators.

Dominica: Caribbean Region HIV and AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2005

The HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment (HSPA) was developed to assess the
quality and capacity of HIV and AIDS-related services in high prevalent situations. information on both basic and advanced level HIV and AIDS services and the availability of recordkeeping systems for monitoring HIV and AIDS care and support. Within the Caribbean region, there is a concern for the recent training of health professionals who provide HIV and AIDS services, for health worker attitudes towards people living with HIV and AIDS and for patient movement within the region. The Dominica HSPA captured information on these region-specific indicators in addition to the standard HSPA indicators.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Caribbean Region HIV and AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2005

The HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment (HSPA) was developed to assess the quality and capacity of HIV and AIDS-related services in high prevalent situations. Focusing on the formal public health sector in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the HSPA findings provides information on both basic and advanced-level HIV and AIDS services and the availability of record-keeping systems for monitoring HIV and AIDS care and support. Within the Caribbean region, there is a concern for the recent training of health professionals who provide HIV and AIDS services, for health worker attitudes towards people living with HIV and AIDS and for patient movement within the region.

Modernizing the Management of Health Human Resources in Canada: Identifying Areas for Accelerated Change

Modernizing the way health care professionals are educated and engaged in their vital work requires a collaborative and coordinated approach among many players. The Health Council convened the summit on health human resources to focus on practical, short-term solutions. This report attempts to capture the lively discussion and encouraging examples of innovation brought forward at that forum, organized into four theme areas: education and training, scopes of practice, workplace practices and planning. [adapted from author]

US Based International Nurse Recruitment: Structure and Practices of a Burgeoning Industry

This report summarizes the results of the first year of the two-year project entitled International Recruitment of Nurses to the United States: Toward a Consensus on Ethical Standards of Practice. It examines the structure and basic practices of the U.S. based international nurse recruitment industry. The purpose of the project is to facilitate consensus among stakeholders on how to reduce the harm and increase the benefits of international nurse recruitment for source countries and for migrant nurses themselves. [from author]

Addressing the Health Workforce Crisis: a Toolkit for Health Professional Advocates

The purpose of this toolkit is to assist health professionals, health professional associations, and civil society organizations to develop advocacy strategies to address human resource and health financing issues in their countries. [from introduction]

Guiding Principles for National Health Workforce Strategies

These guidelines help answer what national health workforce plans should contain and how they should be developed to give them the best chance of significantly improving health outcomes and moving countries as rapidly as possible towards universal access to essential health interventions. The guidelines should serve as overarching principles that will promote the success of health workforce plans, while ensuring that they are consistent with human rights. [adapted from author]

Capacity Planning in Health Care: a Review of the International Experience

In this policy brief, we review approaches to capacity planning, a crucial component of health care governance. By concentrating on a diverse selection of countries, we aim to show a range of approaches to health care financing and organization, since both of these factors have an impact on approaches to capacity planning. [adapted from introduction]

Planning, Developing and Supporting the Health Workforce: Human Resources for Health (HRH) Action Workshop

The Capacity Project helped to organize and facilitate a regional Human Resources for Health (HRH) Action Workshop in Accra, Ghana, September 23-28, 2007. Participants came together with the overall purpose of exchanging knowledge and best practices in planning, developing and supporting the health workforce in order to improve health workforce management capacity and strategic development at the country level.

Should Active Recruitment of Health Workers from Sub-Saharan Africa be Viewed as a Crime?

This editorial describes the widespread recruitment of health workers from sub-Saharan Africa to developed nations by recruiting agencies. The authors describe international efforts to criminalize this practice and express concern at the continued practice of recruitment.

Planning and Costing Human Resources for Health

This article outlines different efforts at making strategic HRH plans in the developing world. The article focuses on the financial aspects of HRH planning and provides some general guidelines on the best way to make these plans.

Economics of Scaling Up Health Education: Opportunities and Constraints

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It details the financial issues involved in scaling up health worker training such as the cost of hiring additional staff, educating health workers and expanding training capacity. It also outlines the current and possible future sources of increasing expenditure for health worker training. [adapted from author]

Block Granting, Perfomance Based Incentives and Fiscal Space Issue: the New Generation of HRH Reforms in Rwanda

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It reviews a study of how Rwanda, faced with constrained fiscal conditions, has implemented innovative reforms to create fiscal space for human resources and to make these resources more responsive to needs through an analysis of budget documents and policy and regulation changes and key informant interviews. [adapted from author]

Impact of Wage Bill Policies on the Health Workforce

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It talks about goverment spending policies on health worker wages and how they affect the health workforce.

Long Road to Adequate and Sustained Donor Financing for Health

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It breaks down current health spending including HRH resource needs and gaps, provides a critical assessment of HRH financing by some of the top donors and addresses campaiging for adequate and sustained donor financing. [adapted from author]

Financing Human Resources for Health: Five Questions for the International Community

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It presents five questions on the financial concerns of scaling up the number of health workers to provide adequate health care.

Philippine HRH Master Plan (2005-2030)

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It outlines the Philippine’s HRH Master Plan to develop and install HHRMD systems that will support Philippine health sector reforms to improve health outcomes. [adapted from author]

Estimated Financial and Human Resources Requirements for the Treatment of Malaria in Malawi

The main aim of the study was to estimate how much clinician-time that malaria exacts on Malawi’s Ministry of Health resources. It estimates the proportion of finances that anti-malarial medications exact on the country’s health budget and determines whether the Malawi public health sector had adequate human resources to provide treatment. [adapted from author]

Assessing the Human Resource Capacity for Implementation of the National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Process Description and Tool Library

The purpose of this document is to provide a process, methodology and tools for assessing government human resource capacity to lead and manage an effective implementation of the NPA.

Human Resource for Health (HRH) Strategic Planning

Strategic planning helps an organization make fundamental decisions about its human resources by taking a long-range view of what it hopes to achieve and, in broad terms, how. [author’s description]

Monitoring the Health Workforce: Measurement Issues and Tools

This brief provides a list of facility-based data collection tools that have been developed by the World Health Organization and other partners. The resources can be used to meet a wide range of specific information needs on human resources in health systems. [adapted from summary]

Regional Core Health Data Initiative: Table Generator System

This database can be used to produce tables of health indicator data according to year, country within the Americas, and indicator type. Human Resources for Health indicators are included in the “Resources, services, and coverage” section. The available data is from 1995-2007.

What if We Decided to Take Care of Everyone Who Needed Treatment? Workforce Planning in Mozambique Using Simulation of Demand for HIV/AIDS Care

One of the most significant challenges in fighting the AIDS epidemic in Southern Africa is securing the health care workforce to deliver care in settings where the manpower is already in short supply. The authors produced a demand-driven staffing model based on treatment protocols for HIV-positive patients that adhere to Mozambican guidelines.

Health Human Resources Modelling: Challenging the Past, Creating the Future

This document reports on the findings of three projects in Canada that link population health needs to health human resource planning, to illustrate the value and challenges in using health human resource data to inform policy decisions on nursing productivity and to generate evidence based retention policies to guide nursing workforce sustainability. [adapted from summary]

Workforce Analysis Using Data Mining and Linear Regression to Understand HIV/AIDS Prevalence Patterns

The purpose of the study was to examine the association between the health workforce, particularly the nursing workforce, and the achievement of the HIV/AIDS-related Millenium Development Goals, taking into account other factors known to influence health status, such as socioeconomic indicators.

Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Health Workforce in Developing Countries

This paper addresses the influence of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the health workforce. An overview of the impact of HIV/AIDS on health systems is provided, with a focus on developing countries. Other topics include the impact of HIV/AIDS on morbidity and mortality among staff in Africa; the impact of HIV/AIDS on workforce motivation, performance and migration; and future staffing scenarios and potential obstacles. [adapted from author]

Future Prospects of Lithuanian Family Physicians: a 10-year Forecasting Study

This study analyzes the Lithuanian family physician (FP) workforce to determine if an adequate supply of FPs will be available in the future to take over emerging tasks. The authors conclude that despite the rapid expansion of the FP workforce during the last fifteen years, forecasts of supply and demand indicate that the number of FPs in 2015 will not be sufficient. [adapted from author]