
Programme Level Implementation of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) Use: Outcomes and Cost of Training Health Workers at Lower Level Health Care Facilities in Uganda

This study describes the process and cost of training to attain competence of lower level health workers to perform malaria RDTs in a public health system setting in eastern Uganda. [from abstract]

Analysis of GAVI, the Global Fund and World Bank Support for Human Resources for Health in Developing Countries

This article reviewed the type of HRH-related activities that are eligible for financing within GAVI, Global Fund and the World Bank; reviewed the HRH-related activities that each agency is actually financing; and reviewed the literature to understand the impact that these investments in HRH have had on the health workforce in developing countries. [adapted from author]

Predicting the Demand of Physician Workforce: An International Model Based on "Crowd Behaviors"

To calculate an appropriate number of Physician Density (PD) for a specific country, this study was designed to create a PD prediction model, based on health-related data from many countries. [from abstract]

ACS HPRI: Shaping Surgical Workforce Policy through Evidence-Based Analyses

This article describes the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Health Policy Research Institute’s (HPRI) role in collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about the surgical workforc in the United States, as suggests it as a possible model to assist in government surgical workforce planning. [adapted from author]

Assessment of the Human Resources System in Niger

This report details two assessment in Niger - a rapid assessment of human resources systems including the current recruitment, deployment, reward, supervision, evaluation, training and career advancement systems from the central to the district levels; and a site-level assessments that looked at the impact of those systems on health workers and at their overall engagement. [adapted from summary]

Discovering the Real World: How Health Workers' Early Work Experience affects their Career Preferences - Findings from the Second Wave of a Cohort Study of Young Ethiopian Doctors and Nurses

This paper summarises the findings from the second wave of a cohort study with health workers in Ethiopia including data on: where they end up and how health workers are distributed; career preferences and how they have changed; what is important in the choice between rural and urban areas; and what drives the likelihood to migrate abroad. [from summary]

Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia: An Outcome of Health Worker Entry, Exit and Performance within the National Labor Health Market

This paper compiles recent evidence on the Zambian health labor market and provides baseline information on HRH to support the government address its HRH challenges. In addition, the paper analyzes the available evidence on the national health labor market to better understand the number, distribution, and performance of HRH in Zambia and explains HRH outcomes by mapping, assessing, and analyzing pre-service education and labor market dynamics and well as the core factors influencing these dynamics. [from author]

Health Workforce in Ethiopia: Addressing the Remaining Challenges

This document reviews the current human resources for health situation in Ethiopia, summarizes the evidence on population use of select health services, and offers relevant policy options to assist the government finalize its new human resources strategy and address remaining health challenges. [from summary]

Human Resources for Health Care Delivery in Tanzania: A Multifaceted Problem

This study documented staffing levels and productivity in peripheral health facilities in southern Tanzania. [from abstract]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: A Profile of Papua New Guinea

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Papua New Guinea: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from author]

Human Resources for Health Situation in Zambia: Deficit and Maldistribution

This paper describes the way the HRH establishment is distributed in the different provinces of Zambia, with a view to assess the dimension of shortages and of imbalances in the distribution of health workers by province and by level of care. [from introduction]

Is Health Workforce Sustainability in Australia and New Zealand a Realistic Goal?

This paper assesses what health workforce sustainability might mean for Australia and New Zealand, given the policy direction set out in the World Health Organization draft code on international recruitment of health workers. [from abstract]

Any Body is Better than Nobody? Ethical Questions around Recruiting and/or Retaining Health Professionals in Rural Areas

The objective of this article is to argue that it is important for all stakeholders involved in rural recruitment and/or retention processes to consider their decisions and actions from an ethics perspective. [from abstract]

Financial Cost of Doctors Emigrating from Sub-Saharan Africa: Human Capital Analysis

The goal of this research was to estimate the lost investment of domestically educated doctors migrating from sub-Saharan African countries to Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. [from abstract]

Denying Reality No Longer an Option: Stark HR Report

The report takes a look at the haemorrhaging general pracitioner and specialist cadres and the skeletal, ageing and special skills-starved nursing sector in what it describes as South Africa’s “failing health system.” [adapted from abstract]

Exploring Ways for Countries to Address Their HRH Crisis

This report presents the outcomes and resources from a meeting of health workforce crisis countries including information on the crisis in the differenct countries; interventions, challenges and shortages; and progress on the development of strategic HRH plans for each of the crisis countries. [adapted from author]

WHO Global Code of Practice: Implementation in the U.S.

This presentation discusses the United States’ implementation of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel, the challenges and next steps. [adapted from author]

Exploring the Human Resources for Health Landscape for Adult Male Circumcision Rollout in Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya

To help support the introduction of adult maled circumcision (MC) for HIV prevention in Kenya, this study was conducted to gather information about the current MC policy and program environment regarding HRH planning to support adult MC scale-up in four districts in Kenya. [from author]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: A Profile of Timor-Leste

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Timor-Leste: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at a Community Level: A Profile of Cambodia

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Cambodia; their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Financing Human Resources for Health

This presentation provides a background to HRH finance, identifies the key HRH cost components, the fiscal space for HRH and expanding the HRH fiscal space. [adapted from author]

Approaches to Workforce Planning

This presentation was part of the University of New South Wales’ short course on managing human resources for health. The author outlines the issues of workforce planning and discusses tools and methodologies for effective planning.

National Health Workforce Innovation and Reform Strategic Framework for Action 2011-2015

This framework has been designed to provide an overarching, national platform that will guide future health workforce policy and planning in Australia. It sets out key priority areas and five essential domains that create the foundation for an integrated, high performing workforce fit to meet Australia’s health care needs.[from foreword]

Health-Related Rehabilitation Services: Assessing the Global Supply of and Need for Human Resources

The objective of this study was to quantitatively describe the global situation in terms of supply of and need for human resources for health-related rehabilitation services, as a basis for strategy development of the workforce in physical and rehabilitation medicine. [from abstract]

Putting Away the Stethoscope for Good? Toward a New Perspective on Physician Retirement

This study is an attempt to understand how aging affects physicians’ work, including staying in or leaving clinical practice, and the impact of this on health workforce planning. [adapted from author]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: a Profile of Bangladesh

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working
at community level in Bangladesh; their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: a Profile of the Philippines

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in the Philippines; their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

HR Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13-2016/17

This HRH Strategy provides a distillation of the ideas arising from a review of HRH in South Africa themes based on evidence, followed by recommended strategic priorities and interventions, and forecast modeling of the future requirement of the health professions. [adapted from summary]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at a Community Level: a Profile of Vanuatu

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Vanuatu: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice.

More Money for Health - More Health for the Money: a Human Resources for Health Perspective

Central within the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health is the aim to leverage more resources for health financing while simultaneously generating more results from existing resources. This paper considers these ambitions from a human resources for health perspective. [adapted from abstract]