Costs of Reproductive Health Services Provided by Four CHAG Hospitals




Boateng J et al.


Population Council




The Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) is a large faith-based NGO which currently serves an estimated 35 percent of the Ghanaian population, mainly in remote rural areas. CHAG’s financial sustainability is threatened due to declining donations from missionary groups and donor agencies, uncertain support from government, and low cost recovery in member facilities. Although knowledge of costs is essential to program management, CHAG members had no information on the costs of the services they provided. Thus, CHAG had no economic benchmarks for evaluating efforts to control costs, no denominator for calculating cost recovery for different services, and no empirical data on service costs that could be used to approach donors and the Ghanaian government with requests for funding.

This study built capacity within the CHAG secretariat to calculate the economic cost and cost recovery levels of selected reproductive health services in four CHAG-affiliated hospitals. Techniques learned in the study are applicable to most costing problems, not just to reproductive health. [author’s description]


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