Evaluation of a Task-Shifting Strategy Involving Peer Educators in HIV Care and Treatment Clinics in Lusaka, Zambia

The purpose of this study was to evaluate patient and staff perceptions regarding whether the peer education program as as part of a task-shifting strategy for HIV care relieved the workload on professional health care workers and delivered services of acceptable quality. [adapted from author]

Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Thailand Rapid Situational Analysis

This report presents the findings and key messages for Thailand of a multicountry rapid situation analysis of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]

HIV/AIDS Related Home Based Care Practices among Primary Health Care Workers in Ogun State, Nigeria

HIV/AIDS is fast becoming a chronic disease with the advent of antiretroviral drugs, therefore making home based care key in the management of chronically ill HIV/AIDS patient. The objective of this study was to determine the perception and practice of health care workers on HIV/AIDS related home based care in the health facilities in Ogun state, Nigeria. [from abstract]

Impact of Organizational Factors on Adherence to Laboratory Testing Protocols in Adult HIV Care in Lusaka, Zambia

This study investigates how physical space, level of staffing, staff burnout, staff absenteeism, staff experience and facilities’ experience with ART provision are associated with levels of adherence to clinical protocol as part of Zambian HIV care and treatment program. [adapted from author]

Essential Core Competencies for Nursing Related to HIV and AIDS

A team of nursing leaders collaborated to identify essential nursing competencies to address the HIV and AIDS epidemics in the sub-Saharan African region. This document includes: evidence supporting the need to establish core competencies in HIV and AIDS; concepts related to the core competencies for nursing related to HIV and AIDS; and the essential core competencies for nursing related to HIV and AIDS.

Essential Nursing Competencies Related to HIV and AIDS: Executive Summary

This article describes the need behind and the process used by nursing leaders from six sub-Saharan African countries who collaborated to develop the essential nursing competencies related to HIV and AIDS. [adapted from author]

Essential Nursing Competencies Related to HIV and AIDS

Nursing leaders from six sub-Saharan African countries collaborated to develop the essential nursing competencies related to HIV and AIDS. These competencies can help to guide pre-service education related to HIV and AIDS, to strengthen in-service or capacity-building programs designed for already qualified nurses, and to guide policy and regulatory reform in the context of taskshifting, task-sharing, and scope of nursing practices. [from author]

Baseline Assessment of HIV Service Provider Productivity and Efficiency in Tanzania

This baseline assessment of HIV/AIDS service providers gathered information on productivity and engagement to develop a set of improved human resource practices that will be integrated into ongoing HIV service delivery. [adapted from summary]

Task Shifting and HIV/AIDS: Opportunities, Challenges and Proposed Actions for Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper draws on experiences scaling-up antiretroviral treatment in three sub-Saharan African countries (Malawi, South Africa and Lesotho) and highlights the main opportunities and challenges posed by task shifting and proposes specific actions to tackle the challenges. [adapted from summary]

HIV and AIDS Treatment: FBOs Getting Involved

This issue of Contact has been published to give practical examples of how treatment can be made more accessible by faith-based organizations (FBOs) and FBO health care institutions particularly in resource-limited settings. [from author]

Human Resources in Health (HRH) Toolkit

The shortage of human resources in health (HRH) in Africa remains severe and continues to be a major impediment to increasing coverage of HIV-related services. This eToolkit is meant to serve as a resource for those dealing with aspects of the HRH crisis, including individuals and organizations who wish to familiarize themselves with the various components of HRH, focusing primarily on Southern Africa. [adapted from author]

Task Shifting in HIV/AIDS Service Delivery: An Exploratory Study of Expert Patients in Uganda

This study examines the issues, in the Ugandan context, with strategies to shift facility and community-based tasks to “expert patients,” clients who are recruited and trained to provide suport services for other clients in facilities and in communities. [adapted from summary]

We Are Also Dying Like Any Other People, We Are Also People: Perceptions of the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Health Workers in Two Districts in Zambia

In Zambia, a study was carried out with the aim to: explore the impact of HIV/AIDS on health workers, describe their coping mechanisms and recommend supportive measures. [from author]

Assessing Two Strategies for Expanding Coverage of Adult Male Circumcision in Nyanza Province, Kenya

Two studies were conducted to assess modes of male circumcision (MC) service delivery to support the scale-up of MC for HIV prevention in Kenya in the public sector. Both studies examined clinical outcomes of and client satisfaction for MC services provided through task shifting performed by nonphysician clinician and by trained itinerant clinical officers. [adapted from author]

Exploring the Human Resources for Health Landscape for Adult Male Circumcision Rollout in Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya

To help support the introduction of adult maled circumcision (MC) for HIV prevention in Kenya, this study was conducted to gather information about the current MC policy and program environment regarding HRH planning to support adult MC scale-up in four districts in Kenya. [from author]

Evaluation of Knowledge Levels Amongst Village AIDS Committees After Undergoing HIV Educational Sessions: Results from a Pilot Study in Rural Tanzania

This paper describes the evaluation of a tailored HIV curriculum for village AIDS committees (VACs) within a rural area to determine if the curriculum increased levels of HIV knowledge among the VAC members through conducting baseline and post-training surveys. [adapted from author]

Health Worker Motivation in the Context of HIV Care and Treatment Challenges in Mbeya Region, Tanzania: A Qualitative Study

The aim of this paper is to explore the challenges generated by HIV care and treatment and their impact on health worker motivation in Mbeya Region, Tanzania. [from abstract]

Collaborating with Traditional Healers for HIV Prevention and Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: Suggestions for Programme Managers and Field Workers

The guidelines were conceived to help envision, plan, design, implement, evaluate and scale up initiatives that involve collaborating with traditional healers for HIV prevention and care in sub-Saharan Africa. The ultimate goal of this effort is to improve access to, and quality of, health services for the clients of both systems. [from author]

Study of Patient Attitudes Towards Decentralization of HIV Care in an Urban Clinic in South Africa

In South Africa, limited human resources are a major constraint to achieving universal antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage. Decentralization or “down-referral” (wherein ART patients deemed stable on therapy are referred to their closest Primary Health Clinics (PHCs) for treatment follow-up) is being used as a possible alternative of ART delivery care. This cross-sectional qualitative study investigates attitudes towards down-referral of ART delivery care among patients currently receiving care in a centralized tertiary HIV clinic. [from abstract]

Healthcare is Not Something You Can Isolate from Life in General: Factors Influencing Successful Clinical Capacity Building in the Pacific

This article presents factors that influenced the implementation of a capacity building assistance program in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Island jurisdictions that worked with health professionals to develop local organizational and clinical HIV capacity. It also evaluates the program to understand the contextual factors affecting the delivery of services. [adapted from introduction]

Meeting the Challenge of HIV Clinical Training within 2.5 Million Square Miles of the Pacific Ocean

To improve clinician ability to recognize HIV and understand treatment, Hawai’s AIDS Education and Training Center developed innovative ways of training and building capacity. This is a report of the program and the experiences with these clinicians. [adapted from introduction]

Task Shifting and Integration of HIV Care into Primary Care in South Africa: The Development and Content of the Streamlining Tasks and Roles to Expand Treatment and Care for HIV (STRETCH) Intervention

Task shifting and the integration of HIV care into primary care services have been identified as possible strategies for improving access to antiretroviral treatment. This paper describes the development and content of an intervention involving these two strategies. [from abstract]

Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Mozambique Rapid Situational Analysis

This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Mozambique of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]

Role of Traditional Healers in Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Africa: Untapped Opportunities

This document discusses some of the strategies that have been successful in integrating African traditional medicine (TM) with biomedical medicine and points the way forward for establishing and expanding collaboration with African TM practitioners as part of a broader and more efficient approach to community-based HIV prevention and care. [from author]

Use of Midwives and Traditional Birth Attendants in HIV Care

The authors provide an overview of maternal health services in the context of the HIV pandemic and outline the role of health professionals in maternal health and HIV prevention, care, and treatment. Particular attention is paid to the potential role of traditional birth attendants in expanding access to quality care. [adapted from author]

Training and Clinical Mentorship to Support the Scale-Up of Pediatric HIV Care: Lessons Learned from Uganda

The principles and practices outlined in this document are based on the author’s experience with creating a health worker clinical mentorship program for pediatric HIV care in Uganda as part of the continuum of education required to create competent health-care providers. [adapted from author]

Popular Training Methodologies and Applications

This document reviews challenges and approaches to popular methodologies and applications of clinical HIV training in order to address the question of what is the optimal approach to training the health workforce for an expanding HIV-treatment program in a resource-limited setting. [adapted from author]

Advancing Women's Leadership and Advocacy for AIDS Action Training Manual

This training manual is a resource to build the leadership, advocacy and management skills of grassroots women leaders and others working in HIV. It is a scaled-down adaptation of the training curriculum used to build the leadership skills and technical expertise of women working on the frontlines in the fight against HIV and AIDS, and to strengthen the capacity of their organizations to advocate for stronger HIV and AIDS policies, programs and resources that meet the distinct needs of women.

Can the Deployment of Community Health Workers for the Delivery of HIV Services Represent an Effective and Sustainable Response to Health Workforce Shortages?: Results of a Multicountry Study

This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of community health workers with a focus on identifying the critical elements of an enabling environment that can ensure they provide quality services in a manner that is sustainable for expanding the health workforce to scale up HIV services. [adapted from author]

Part of the Solution: Faith-Based Responses to HIV and AIDS in Africa

This chapter of “Developing Pathways and Partnerships” outlines the dimensions of and describes the characteristics of FBO HIV/AIDS initiatives, utilizing where possible evidence from published studies. It explains why FBO initiatives remain poorly understood and receive insufficient support from government sectors and development organizations. It concludes with lessons learned in mainstreaming FBO HIV/AIDS initiatives, suggesting ways in which external agencies can strengthen faith-based HIV/AIDS initiatives and help them align with accepted best practices and public-health strategies.