
Implementing IMCI in Kenya: Challenges and Recommendations

This policy brief explores the major challenges facing Kenya in the implementation of their Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy and looks at why it is failing to fulfill its potential to improve health care and reduce child mortality. [adapted from introduction]

Global Action for Health System Strengthening: Policy Recommendations to the G8

This report is a follow-up to the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit held in Japan in July, 2008. It was prepared by government officials in health and foreign policy from the G8 countries, with leadership from Japan, and covered a number of critical issues in global health. The report reflected growing policy attention to health system strengthening by Japan and the global health community more broadly. [from introduction]

The chapter containing on "Opportunities for Overcoming the Health Workforce Crisis" begins on page 27.

Diagnostics: Key Issues for Workforce Planning

The objective of this paper is to identify the future workforce challenges that will have a profound impact on the capacity to recruit and retain staff. In addition, issues that pertain to key staff groups for this care group will be identified. [from introduction]

How Can Optimal Skill Mix be Effectively Implemented and Why?

This policy brief describes steps towards the determination and implementation of an optimal skill mix within a health system, including definition of the skill mix and how to achieve clarity regarding the key policy problems for which it is envisioned as a solution. [from executive summary]

Using Human Resource for Health Data: Health Policy and Program Planning Examples from Four African Countries

Imbalances in quantity and quality of human resources for health (HRH) are increasingly recognized as perhaps the most critical impediment to achieving health outcome objectives in most African countries. However, reliable data on the HRH situation is not readily available. Some countries have hesitated to act in the absence of such data; other countries have not acted even when data are available while others have moved ahead in spite of the lack of reliable information. This paper addresses the issue of data use for HRH policy-making. [from summary]

Migration of Health Workers: the UK Perspective to 2006

Most healthcare in the UK is delivered through the National Health Service (NHS). Shortages of skilled staff led to policy changes including international recruitment of health professionals. Subsequent changes in the UK migration policy have impacted international recruitment, leading to a significant reduction in the inflow of international clinicians to the NHS. [adapted from summary]

International Mobility of Health Professionals and Health Workforce Management in Canada: Myths and Realities

This OECD report examines the role played by immigrant health workers in the Canadian health workforce, as well as the interactions between migration policies and education and health workforce management policies. [adapted from introduction]

Strategies to Overcome Physician Shortages in Northern Ontario: a Study of Policy Implementation Over 35 Years

Shortages and maldistibution of physicians in northern Ontario, Canada, have been a longstanding issue. This study seeks to document, in a chronological manner, the introduction of programs intended to help solve the problem by the provincial government over a 35-year period and to examine several aspects of policy implementation, using these programmes as a case study. [from abstract]

NGO Code of Conduct for Health Systems

The NGO Code of Conduct for Health Systems Strengthening is a response to the recent growth in the number of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) associated with the increase in aid flows to the health sector. It is intended to be used as a tool for service organizations and eventually for funders and host governments. The code serves as a guide to encourage NGO practices that contribute to building public health systems and discourage those that are harmful. [from introduction]

Assessing the Impact of a New Health Sector Pay System Upon NHS Staff in the United Kingdom

This paper reports on the design and implementation of a completely new pay system in the National Health Service (NHS) in England.Pay and pay systems are a critical element in any health sector human resource strategy. Changing a pay system can be one strategy to achieve or sustain organizational change. [from abstract]

Health Workforce and International Migration: Can New Zealand Compete?

This paper examines health workforce and migration policies in New Zealand, with a special focus on the international recruitment of doctors and nurses. [from abstract]

Working from the Inside: Mainstreaming HIV into Government Planning in Kenya

This brief describes the successful process of working within the government to achieve results in HIV planning. [adapted from author]

Role of Networking in Managing Migration of Human Resources for Health in the Philippines

This paper aims to present the existing HRH problems exemplified by migration in the light of other related issues such as the nurse medic phenomenon, foreign doctors taking up residency training, quality of nursing education, paradoxical enrollment trends in nursing and medicine and the effects of migration on health service delivery.

Review of Codes and Protocols for the Migration of Health Workers

This is a review of current multi-lateral agreements, codes of practice, bilateral agreements, regional agreements, and strategies and position statements that govern the migration of health workers from ESA (East and Southern African) countries. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current situation in ESA. [from executive summary]

Policy on Quality in Health Care for South Africa

Knowing that quality is never an accident, always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution, and that it represents the wise choice of many alternatives, this abbreviated version of the Policy attempts to provide the strategic direction health facilities and officials need to follow to assure quality in health care and continuous improvement in the care that is being provided. Health care personnel are encouraged to use this copy of the Policy to focus their intentions and guide their efforts. [from foreword].

Addressing the Health Workforce Crisis: a Toolkit for Health Professional Advocates

The purpose of this toolkit is to assist health professionals, health professional associations, and civil society organizations to develop advocacy strategies to address human resource and health financing issues in their countries. [from introduction]

Guiding Principles for National Health Workforce Strategies

These guidelines help answer what national health workforce plans should contain and how they should be developed to give them the best chance of significantly improving health outcomes and moving countries as rapidly as possible towards universal access to essential health interventions. The guidelines should serve as overarching principles that will promote the success of health workforce plans, while ensuring that they are consistent with human rights. [adapted from author]

Effects of Policy Options for Human Resources for Health: an Analysis of Systematic Reviews

This article identifies human resources for health policy options in low and middle income countries, and assesses the effectiveness of these policy options. The authors conclude that there is a need for more systematic reviews on the effects of policy options to improve human resources for health in countries with low and middle incomes, for assessments of any interventions that policy makers introduce to plan and manage human resources for health, and for other research to aid policy makers in these countries. [adapted from author]

Impact of Wage Bill Policies on the Health Workforce

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It talks about goverment spending policies on health worker wages and how they affect the health workforce.

Health Governance: Enabling Accountability for Improved Management and Performance

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It talks about good health governance, presents a model and discusses the pupose and challenges of achieving accountability in governance.

Whole Picture: Strengthening Health Workforce Policies and Planning in Rwanda

This brief describes the Capacity Project’s work with health workforce planning using HRIS in Rwanda.

Why Policy Matters: Regulatory Barriers to Better Primary Care in Africa: Two Private Sector Examples

This paper examines recent experiences in Zambia, and Ethiopia that illustrate why policy matters for developing the private health sector and underscoring the need for rational regulatory policies and practices. [author’s description]

National Policy on Human Resources Development for Health (Afghanistan)

The goal of the human resources development policy is to ensure availability of suitably qualified appropriately skilled and motivated human resource for health at appropriate geographic level of pre-defined disciplines, for provision of essential health services of acceptable quality at affordable cost to the community. [author’s description]

Community Health Workers: a Review of Concepts, Practice and Policy Concerns

In this paper we attempt to provide an overview of the concepts and practice of community health workers (CHWs) from across a range of (developing and developed) countries, and draw some insights into policy challenges that remain in designing effective CHW schemes, particularly in the Indian context. In the subsequent sections, we provide a review of the various ways in which community health workers have been deployed in different settings. [from introduction]

Human Resources for Health Policy in Sierra Leone for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

This HRH policy document addresses the production and utilization of Human Resources within the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone. It also responds to the contemporary challenges and developments including the exodus of human resources and advancement in technology. This policy intends to regulate and direct planning, production, management, utilization and monitoring of HR within the health sector. [from foreword]

Practice to Policy: Global Perspectives in Nursing: Report of the 5th International Conference

This report summarizes the speeches and discussions from the Practice to Policy: Global Perspectives in Nursing conference in 2006. Both healthcare professionals and th system are faced with a number of ongoing challenges, which may require a shift in organizational policy and can affect the way nurses practice. Nurses are and integral part of the healthcare system and play a key role in influencing these changes. Nurses’ voices need to be heard, and they must be able to articulate what they do.

Health Worker Migration in the European Region: Country Case Studies and Policy Implications

This report presents an overview of the policy implications of the international migration of health workers in Europe, based on case studies conducted in five countries – Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the United Kingdom – and draws on information from other WHO European Region countries, such as Israel and Latvia. [from introduction]

Health Human Resources Policy Initiatives for Physicians, Nurses and Pharmacists

This document is an environmental policy scan of activity in three areas related to physicians, nurses and pharmacists: education and training initiatives; recruitment and retention and work place initiatives; and capacity to do national health human resource planning. [adapted from introduction]

Community Home-Based Care in Resource-Limited Settings: a Framework for Action

This document provides a systematic framework for establishing and maintaining community home-based care (CHBC) in resource-limited settings for people with HIV/AIDS and those with other chronic or disabling conditions.

Definition of Underserved: Policies, Issues, and Relevance

This paper begins by clarifying the terms shortage and underserviced. Provincial and federal programs for underserviced areas in Ontario are then described and considered in terms of their relevance to nursing. A discussion of the issues associated with policies addressing shortage and underserviced areas follows. The paper concludes with recommendations for change. The importance of making funding decisions based on a clear understanding of relevant concepts and models is emphasized. [introduction]